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Be Transfigured

This Sunday's Gospel, for the 2nd Sunday of Lent 2023, is about the Transfiguration. I skipped blogging last week, for the 1st Sunday of Lent, which was about Jesus' 40 days in the desert.

I didn't know what to say about the 40 days, but after reflecting on the Transfiguration, I think I can combine discussing the two. We see two extremes: the devil encountering Jesus, and God the Father encountering Jesus. The devil encourages Jesus to be self-centered and prideful, to test God, to seek earthly power and wealth, and ultimately to bow down in worship. God the Father clothes him in brilliant garments, calls him his beloved Son, and allows him to commune with the saints.

In the context of serving our neighbor, sometimes we can encounter Jesus in our neighbor and sometimes our neighbor can encounter Jesus through us. And sometimes the devil tries to distract us.

When serving our neighbors, do we try to satisfy our own needs, test God, or seek recognition for our efforts? Or do we try to clothe others in the love of God the Father, and serve them for the greater glory of God? Can we look on the vulnerable of our society and see the Transfigured Jesus in them, and God the Father calling them His beloved sons and daughters?

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