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The Good Samaritan - Why is this story important?


This Sunday's Gospel (July 10, 2022) is the famous story of the Good Samaritan from the Gospel of Luke. While famous, how important is it? In both Sunday's Gospel and the Gospel of Matthew (Chapter 22), a "scholar of the law" challenged Jesus. The subject of the challenge was the meaning of the commandment, "Love your neighbor as yourself" (see Leviticus 19:18). In Matthew 22, Jesus says this command is second to, and like, the commandment to love God with all your heart, mind, and strength. Jesus' answer to this scholar in the Gospel of Luke is the parable of the Good Samaritan.

After telling this parable, Jesus asked the scholar:

"Which of these three, in your opinion, was neighbor to the robbers’ victim?”

The scholar answered, “The one who treated him with mercy.”

So, here are some questions to consider in small groups this week:

What is Mercy?

Why is there suffering in the first place?

Think of a time that you encountered someone suffering.

How did you become aware of or notice their suffering?

Imagine that is Jesus' voice, telling you his brother or sister is suffering.

Did you notice them looking at you?

Imagine Jesus looking at you through their eyes.

What thoughts ran through your head?

How did you respond?

What did you do?

During the week, try to imagine Jesus speaking to you, saying:

"Go and do likewise".

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